The Detail

Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication Date: Jan 2018
Pages: 400

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Anna Fox lives alone, a recluse in her New York City home, unable to venture outside. She spends her day drinking wine (maybe too much), watching old movies, recalling happier times . . . and spying on her neighbors.

Then the Russells move into the house across the way: a father, a mother and their teenage son. The perfect family. But when Anna, gazing out her window one night, sees something she shouldn’t, her world begins to crumble and its shocking secrets are laid bare.

What is real? What is imagined? Who is in danger? Who is in control? In this diabolically gripping thriller, no one—and nothing—is what it seems


Disclaimer: Firstly I want to acknowledge that I know there is a lot of conversation going around about this author at the moment and when I signed up for the read along I was complete unaware of any of it. I have made the decision to read the book and give an honest review. I am in no way trying to support the author for his actions.

The plot of this book is fast paced, thrilling and actually pretty addictive. I was worried about getting through 100 pages a day but I found myself reading around 200 pages a day because it was such a page turner. I read this book as part of a Tandam readalong with a handful of other bookstagrammers which was brilliant because we were all throwing around all our crazy ideas in the group chat.

You can recognise instantly that the protagonist Anna is unreliable. Anna is on a high dose of medication for agoraphobia but drinks heavily and often mixes the two or misses the pills. The medication can, and have caused hallucinations, so when Anna see’s her neighbour stabbed through the window the police don’t know quite how to convince her she needs some more support.

I did guess some parts, but I didn’t quite get the extent of where it was heading until it smacked me in the face at 11pm and I called for Glenn to come to bed because I was freaked out. Haha. 

This is a typical Gone Girl / Girl On The Train situation, so if you loved those books/films you will enjoy this one too.

The Netflix movie is out today and were getting our PJ’s on and watching it together at 8pm. Staring Amy Adams and Gary Oldman, the traitor looks quite scary so I’m not sure if I will spend most of the time behind a pillow but I definitely need to give it ago after enjoying the book. 

Thank you to Tandem for my gifted copy and hosting a great readalong.


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